Member Story: Rudi Nicholls, Social Value Manager, Clarion Housing Group

How did you get into CR&S, and why did you choose this profession?

My journey into Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CR&S) began unconventionally during my marketing studies at university. Initially drawn to the creativity of marketing, I envisioned a career shaping influential and exciting campaigns. However, gaining experience with CR&S in the social housing sector, shifted my path. This change was more than professional; it was deeply personal. My background in church housing and understanding of socio-economic hardships resonated with the challenges faced by those in social housing.

This empathy transformed my career goals from only seeking a job to pursuing a mission. I aimed to be an agent of positive change, closely supporting those whose struggles mirrored my own early experiences. Now, working in CR&S, I'm not just employed; I'm on a personal mission, using my abilities to impact lives meaningfully and give back to a community similar to my own upbringing.

What makes your sector unique from a CRS perspective?

In the field of Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability, the social housing sector stands out for its direct and profound impact. More than just providing a service, it offers a fundamental necessity: a home. This sector goes beyond just shelter, focusing on creating safe, supportive, and sustainable communities. It's a holistic approach that not only addresses immediate needs but also aims to build resilient, unified communities for the future.

The sector faces diverse challenges, from homelessness to environmental sustainability, each presenting unique opportunities for innovation and meaningful change. What truly sets social housing apart is the personal connection with the people it serves. Each family's story shapes our mission, making our work deeply fulfilling. Seeing families thrive and communities unite underlines the sector's unique role in driving positive, lasting societal change.

What advice would you give to others on getting into CR&S?

For those aspiring to enter Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability, it's essential to start with a solid understanding of the field's diverse aspects, including environmental sustainability, social equity, and ethical business practices. Gaining relevant experience through volunteer positions or internships in sustainability-focused organisations can be invaluable. A CR&S career requires a broad skill set, encompassing strategic thinking, stakeholder engagement, effective communication, and analytical skills. Networking is key; joining industry groups and connecting with professionals can open doors and provide critical insights.

Demonstrating a genuine passion for sustainability and social responsibility, along with a commitment to continuous learning as the field evolves, is crucial. Aligning your personal values with the goals of CR&S not only enhances job satisfaction but also drives a deeper, more meaningful impact in your work. This career path is as much about personal commitment to positive change as it is about professional skills and knowledge.