Individual Membership

Join the UK's professional body for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability practitioners.

Stay up to date with your peers, access knowledge and resources, network with those in your field, and gain recognition for your skills. 

Become a Member today

Stay current on trends, grow your network of peers, develop your skills, and gain recognition for your expertise.

As the UK's professional body for CRS practitioners, our membership reflects the wide breadth of practitioners, from students and academics to consultants and in-house practitioners from large and small organisations.

  • Benchmark your CRS skillset using our competency framework
  • Access our library of resources
  • Network with peers through regional Hub events
  • Attend our annual flagship event, The Exchange
  • One-on-one support through the Mentoring Programme
  • Access the online CPD logging system to track your development
  • Work towards recognition for your expertise through our Fellowship level of membership


We have two levels of individual membership: Member and Fellow.

Individual Membership lasts 12 months on an annual subscription basis, and you will be reminded via email as your renewal date approaches.

The ICRS is included on HMRC’s approved list of professional bodies and learned societies. This means that individual members can claim tax relief on their annual fees.

If you are interested in organisational membership for your company, charity, or enterprise, you can learn more and apply below.

Explore Organisational Membership


We welcome everyone inside and outside the UK, and there are no academic or professional requirements to join as a Member. 

Many resources are available online, so wherever you are in the world, we hope you will find plenty of helpful support for your career.

You can become a Member today by clicking the button below. 


To apply and be awarded Fellowship, you must use and meet the following criteria: 

  • Have high levels of professional CRS experience and competence, as set out in our Competency Framework
  • Spend at least 75% of their working time on CRS
  • Have at least five years' professional CRS experience in the last eight years or three years in the previous five with a relevant master's degree or PhD

If you'd like to become a Fellow, you'll need to apply. You can learn more about Fellowship and the criteria here.

Explore Fellowship


Price: £160.00


Membership is free for students in any discipline if they are in full-time education, including apprenticeships on accredited schemes.

Students are required to provide proof of current educational status.

Student application