
Attend our upcoming events to learn about crucial CRS topics and meet fellow practitioners and members.

Upcoming Events

Check out the ICRS' upcoming events, including webinars, Hub meetings, and flagship conferences.


The ICRS Debate

The Evolving Role of CR&S Practitioners in Reporting Requirements.

External Events

Register for upcoming events hosted by our members and partners. ICRS members can enjoy discounts to certain events. 

The ICRS Exchange

Look back on the past editions of the ICRS Exchange 

The ICRS Exchange 2024

The ICRS Exchange 2023

The ICRS Exchange 2022: Agents of Change

The ICRS Exchange 2021 - Owning the Table

ICRS Event Summaries

Missed an event but want to hear the key takeaways? Click below for round ups and recordings of past ICRS events. 

ICRS Webinar: Navigating a Landscape of Change in Uncertain Times

The ICRS 10th Anniversary

ICRS Essential Skills for CR&S Managers Webinar

The ICRS Debate: ESG: Necessity for success or next on the chopping block? Event Summary

ICRS Wellbeing and Resilience Webinar

ICRS: The Sustainability Salary Census Review Webinar